Thursday, February 17, 2011

Questions for Love

Is love ever wrong? 
Can love make mistakes ?
A love so long it cannot be wrong 
A love so rite it has to be fate 
Is love ever certain 
Of those whom it chooses 
Or can it be a curtain 
Over the eyes of whom it chooses 
Who may answer these questions 
Can you deliver a clue 
Or maybe suggestions 
All I ask are a few 
Why do we fall in love 
Why can't love fall to us 
How do we know when we've found love 
How can we learn to trust 
When is the rite time to give away your heart 
What if your not sure 
Do our hearts have destinies that our minds cannot fathum 
Does the love that blinds us 
Blind our minds as well 
Clouding our judgement and confusing us 
If so how can we tell 
To love is as to live 
An adventure and a blessing 
Responsibility and a privilige 
Exciting and testing 
Sorrow and carnage 
Upsetting and dreadful 
Bonding and beautiful 
How do I know this... 
Good question

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