Thursday, February 17, 2011

Un-honest Love

I can’t seem to find you in my heart. 
You're just not there, 
I can’t sit here and be unpleased 
Thinking about why I have you here. 

You say you love me, 
But my heart pushes you away 
I think I love you, but it's not the truth 
Everyday in my heart you seem to fade. 

I’m trying to stay true to myself 
I hope you can see 
I can’t always listen to your emotions 
And be as you want me to be. 

I can’t help it but to love you 
Love you Un-honest 
Love that isn’t honest 
Can’t flow through my heart constantly 

You’re not my first, 
First boy who trapped me in their spell 
To the point where I cry at night 
That I have my own little shell. 

Boy I can say I love you 
But I lie to your face with a pound of shame 
Our relationship 
Was all a big game? 

Don’t get me wrong 
I feel real bad 
But I warned your heart before 
to save it from being sad.

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